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Reducing the amount of paperwork in the office by using electronic systems

12.2 Operational measures

12.2.6 – Does your university as a body have policies around use minimization – of disposable items?

Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage has a policy to reduce the amount of waste that must be disposed of by reducing activities that cause the amount of waste, such as reducing the amount of paperwork in the office by using electronic systems instead as well as the procurement of long-lasting items and workplace equipment that preserve energy.

Policy created on 2016

The university’s policy on reducing waste began in 2016. Initially, electronic systems were used in conjunction with teaching and learning management such as grades, thereby reducing the use of paper. In 2018, a 3D system for planning and reporting operations was created, which can decrease paper waste and document binding.

Policy reviewed on 2020

In 2020, more electronic systems for management within the university have been developed, enabling a significant reduction in the amount of paper waste. Moreover, from the epidemic of COVID-19, this has further stimulated the use of online document systems. The university has added many more operating systems for administration, including Payroll verification system to reduce slip printing, electronic table of contents system, human resources system for reporting operations and the budget reporting system for supplies and procurement, , for these reasons, has greatly reduced the amount of paper waste.

Evidence 1 Electronic Operating System

Reducing the amount of solid waste generated by the operating system to manage the university, including classroom management system project management system payroll check system human resources system for reporting operations and a reporting system for the budget of supplies and procurement.

Budget Reporting System for Parcel and Procurement

Electronic Document System


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